The videos below are linked to my YouTube channel, where you find different playlists about Making Connections and Body-Mind Centering®.
A brief introduction to the project Making Connections, involving children with divers abilities, parents, caregivers and professionals in the field of care.
Excerpt from Making Connections sessions, supporting a wide range of learning processes, combining a structural approach with sensory integration and functional alignment.
Thomas Greil presenta al pubblico del “Symposium BMC® in Italia” una lezione teorico-esperienziale sulle prime fasi di sviluppo embrionale e su come la consapevolezza cellulare è alla base dei processi senso-motori e di apprendimento.
Session with Katarina, Tibor and their daughter Rebeka, during Making Connections Bratislava February 2023. The parents talk about their experience with BMC, and how they see the benefits for her daughter.
An inquiry with Body-Mind Centering®, exploring sensations, feelings, thoughts and emotions. Excerpt from the presentation at the BMCA conference online 2021 on “BMC, Trauma and Imagination”
Exploring the upper limbs. A simple to follow exploration to explore the connection of the arm, shoulders and spine in movement, rolling and coming to sitting.
Short documentary introducing the Infant Developmental Movement Education work, filmed in France. How Body-Mind Centering® is applied with babies from birth to walking. Association SOMA, Paris
The video gives an inside view of the Body-Mind Centering® certification program. It was filmed in Germany. For more information see
This is a recording of an online class Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, the founder of Body-Mind Centering® gave 2023 on “Perception as a Key to Embodying and Repatterning the Nervous System”.
What role can Somatics and especially Body-Mind Centering® play in the world right now? Thomas in dialog with Ivan for his podcast “Life said yes”